July 26, 2022 • Workplace3 min read

Team Socials and Office Parties Survey | Just Eat for Business

Employee engagement and workplace wellbeing has never been more in focus within the corporate world than it is now. Many businesses are investing in practices and policies that can help strengthen collaboration, build rapport between employees, encourage communication and mitigate conflict. 

A simple yet effective tool at their disposal is creating social environments for employees to interact, away from their desks and without the pressure of “shop-talk”. These casual social events often have a positive impact on employee wellbeing and boost team morale.

We wanted to understand more about team socials across businesses and the effects they can have on employees, so we ran a survey on 200 UK workers.

Check out the key stats from our survey below, and to download the full infographic, click here.

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More than 1 in 4 employees would like to have team socials more often. They don't have to be full-on parties, but enjoying some team drinks or shared treats in the office is a great excuse for a get-together! 

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20% of those surveyed said that their company organises a team social at least once a month. This is a great way to boost team morale, and give employees something to look forward to. 


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More than half of respondents agreed that team socials help build better peer relationships at work. When teams take part in social events and activities together, it helps them to develop positive relationships, which in turn encourages them to feel more comfortable sharing their ideas and solving problems creatively in their day-to-day work. 

Data points Linkedin3 (1)