In 2022, the world reopened and businesses saw their office populations rise once again. Group meetings, team socials and office lunches are in full swing, so we wanted to discover more about teams’ ordering habits and trends now that we’re back in the office.
Check out a few of the key stats we've pulled below, and to download the full infographic, click here.
The City of London try the most cuisines out of all the London Boroughs! All the different food choices certainly makes your work lunch a lot more exciting...

Employees are craving that long-awaited feeling of community: Sharing food is *officially* back on the menu with orders for pop-ups, buffets and platters skyrocketing this year.

North London comes out on top when it comes to workplace ordering. The hungriest borough is Islington - teams in this location have topped the list of orderers in 2022 so far!

With people craving a taste of the sunshine, it's no surprise that Mediterranean is the most popular cuisine across London.